LawPavilion extols NBA, offers new solutions to assist lawyers

LawPAvilion Business Solutions Ltd has confirmed its partnership with the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) to provide Electronic Law Reports to Young Lawyers.

Its Managing Director Ope Olugasa, at the weekend, commended the administration of NBA President Paul Usoro (SAN) for the initiative.

He said:

“The beneficiaries of this initiative are young lawyers between one and seven years post-call, who paid their annual practice fee on or before the deadline stipulated in the Legal Practitioners’ Act.

“Majority of these young lawyers are still trying to find their foothold in the industry, learning the ropes and mostly without a robust income.”

Olugasa also praised the NBA for sourcing for palliatives in aid of young lawyers’ careers.

“We believe the saying: ‘give a man a fish and you feed him for a day but teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.’ By empowering these young lawyers with Law Pavilion Electronic Law Reports, NBA has taught them how to fish. I hope the beneficiaries will make the best use of the opportunity afforded them,” he said.

He noted that the novel Coronavirus pandemic hit the legal industry hard, particularly with courts being shut for over a month, noting that lawyers who embraced technology were able to function.

“It was difficult and practically impossible for some law firms to continue to render their legal services and this led to some losing briefs or clients. However, only a certain percentage of practitioners who had embraced technology, through the use of Law Pavilion products, were able to stay up and running all through the period.

“There has been a paradigm shift and COVID-19 has accelerated things technology-wise. Two years ago, nobody would have thought that the International Bar Association (IBA) or NBA conferences could be held virtually and, that now, virtual conferences, virtual meetings, remote work, e-filing and remote hearing are the new normal,” Olugasa said.

He also added:

“Apart from adding new features to enhance the company’s existing products to ensure optimal performance, the company will soon be unveiling a couple of products that will not only benefit lawyers, law firms and judges, but will be of great benefit to every Nigerian’’.

In a related development, apresidential aspirant in next month’s Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) elections, Dele Adesina (SAN), has commended the NBA President, Mr. Paul Usoro (SAN), for the provision of Law-Pavilion Electronic Law Report and Legal Research software licences to young lawyers.

Adesina, a former NBA General Secretary, noted that the licences were made available to  post-Call ages 1 to 7 who had paid their Bar Practice Fees as at March 3, 2020.

He described the provision as a “thoroughly thought-out initiative”.

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