Two Major Symptoms Of Procrastination

To identify the major symptoms of procrastination, you have to understand what procrastination is in the first place.

According to Wikipedia, procrastination is the avoidance of doing a task that needs to be accomplished. It is the practice of doing more pleasurable things in place of less pleasurable ones, or carrying out less urgent tasks instead of more urgent ones, thus putting off impending tasks to a later time.

Sometimes, procrastination takes place until the “last minute” before a deadline.

Here are Two Major Symptoms of Procrastination 

Procrastination manifests in several ways and these are major symptoms that will immediately let you know when you’re falling victim. Ask yourself the two important questions below and use the tips I’ve provided to help you deal with procrastination. 


 Complacency comes from a very strong sense of pride and over confidence; A belief that you are on top of the situation hence you don’t have to deal with it now.

 This happens when you think and believe the following;

  • This task is very simple;
  • I can do it any time I want
  • It won’t take much effort and time to complete it,
  • I’ll start it at another time
  • I’ve done this kind of thing before so, I know what to do
  • I’m already halfway through so I will pick it up and complete it later

Tips to Deal with Complacency

1) Visualize and imagine a great reward and/or opportunity in the future based on the prompt and timely completion of this task. This will naturally cause you to move towards taking the necessary actions, because where the mind goes, the body goes. 

2) Set yourself more challenging goals. Get out of your comfort zone. Stretch yourself more. Ensure that the goals motivate you till you achieve the end goal. This will automatically fuel your passion to experience the joy of overcoming challenges and barriers. 

3) Just do it, get the task done! Focus on completion rather than excuses and this will naturally create a growth mindset. 


Trying to avoid discomfort may be associated with the unpleasantness of the activity itself, especially when compared with other more fun and enjoyable alternatives.

This happens when you think and believe the following;

  • This task is boring and I won’t enjoy doing it
  • This task is going to be a waste of my time and it is going to take a long time to accomplish
  • Since its going to be unpleasant, let me push it forward and do it later

Tips to Deal with Avoidance of Discomfort

1) Break the task up into smaller chunks and attack them one at a time

2) Build up your momentum

3) Start with the smallest chunk

4) Add some fun elements to the task at hand

5) Reward yourself each step of the way and for doing this supposedly boring task with something pleasant

6) Each day, tackle one task you would normally put off till tomorrow

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